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    is kory still an admin nazi?


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    is kory still an admin nazi? Empty is kory still an admin nazi?

    Post by lordraptor1 Wed Dec 01, 2010 2:06 am

    i bet he is, i would also bet he is still a complete jerk telling everyone to "get a job" LOL. anyway, he has no need to worry though and i do wish him the best of luck in his endeavors i will continue to run this forum and my other forum and make ALL of my members feel welcome on them. if anyone does happen to chat with him tell him i said hi and that i hope the best for him, i am finally getting part of my va disability and have a few other appointments to see if i will be getting any other disability benefits and once i get my personal stuff squared away i am going to be looking into doing some stuff for members of y forums.

    so everyone enjoy your stay here and have fun Wink

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    is kory still an admin nazi? Empty Re: is kory still an admin nazi?

    Post by KMX Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:06 pm

    I am still the admin ;0) Almost 2,000 members now. Over 15 sponsors.

    Lord I never said anything othe then the truth. I think you know why it ended up the way it did. I never had anything against you and I still don't (as you contiunue to talk about me) Heck your more then welcome back on the forum. Hope all is good with you to! Have a merry x mas.


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    is kory still an admin nazi? Empty Re: is kory still an admin nazi?

    Post by lordraptor1 Sat Dec 11, 2010 3:43 am

    KMX wrote:I am still the admin ;0) Almost 2,000 members now. Over 15 sponsors. We have new USAfishbox Local Chapters starting in VA, So. Cal, FL, North Texas and Nevada! Great to be a USAfishbox member.

    Lord I never said anything othe then the truth. I think you know why it ended up the way it did. I never had anything against you and I still don't (as you contiunue to talk about me) Heck your more then welcome back on the forum. Hope all is good with you to! Have a merry x mas.

    no worries kory glad you decided to finally register and post something, i have no ill will towards you just want you to understand that. glad to hear your site is doing so well.

    i am finally receiving my va disability so i am good, you and your usa fishbox members have a wonderful christmas and a happy new year i myself will, i am currently working on 4 other forums i have dedicated to rc cars and other hobbies which the stuff i learned making this one helped with of course you didnt understand this forum was a learnign experience and you felt threatened when i made it because it was a fish forum well i am truly sorry you felt it was more important NOT to help teh fish hobby grow.

    anyway best wishes for a merry christmas and a happy new year and i will leave you with some pics of items i purchased new last month with some of my va disability. Very Happy

    is kory still an admin nazi? Paintedt4body2-1
    is kory still an admin nazi? Paintedt4body1-1
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    is kory still an admin nazi? 1211000227a
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    is kory still an admin nazi? 1211000228

    i also have plans to start aquiring stuff to redo my 90 in janurary. anyway good luck to you i am back trying to figure out why my dallas area cl adds for my radio control forum keep getting flagged, peace.

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    is kory still an admin nazi? Empty Re: is kory still an admin nazi?

    Post by KMX Fri Dec 17, 2010 10:41 am


    I only signed up now to chit chat...these will be my only 2 post.

    I never signed up here b/c of the things that were said. It would not make any sence to sign up here after I ban you on USA.

    This is not even a forum...No real members and not active at all. Your "RC forums" are all dead and no real members.

    Great that you got what you wanted with money that should be probley going twards more important things in life.

    Happy Holidays!

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    is kory still an admin nazi? Empty Re: is kory still an admin nazi?

    Post by lordraptor1 Fri Dec 17, 2010 1:12 pm

    kory, if you feel that way maybe you should have not registered at all, and let me offer you a bit of free advise banning me was the BEST thig you could have done because your forum is all about members and not helping the hobby at all, i personally am quite happy with people who blow through merely to read the topics and learn something, if they choose to register they are more than welcome to but it is NOT required. i do wish you all of the best with your forum and hav a happy holidays.

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    is kory still an admin nazi? Empty Re: is kory still an admin nazi?

    Post by lordraptor1 Sat Dec 18, 2010 5:10 pm

    KMX wrote:I am still the admin ;0) Almost 2,000 members now. Over 15 sponsors.

    Lord I never said anything othe then the truth. I think you know why it ended up the way it did. I never had anything against you and I still don't (as you contiunue to talk about me) Heck your more then welcome back on the forum. Hope all is good with you to! Have a merry x mas.

    edited out mention of your forum as it is unfair to mention it here when you yourself dont allow it on your forum.

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    is kory still an admin nazi? Empty Re: is kory still an admin nazi?

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